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Add support of the new serial STC8A8K64D4

Created by: CreativeLau

The calibrate process of new serial STC8A8K64D4 is different. In version 1.6 the MCU frequency could be adjusted up to 4 MHz only.

Have done:

  1. Add 'stc8d' in option -P for STC8A8K64D4.
  2. Add subclass Stc8dProtocol(Stc8Protocol).
  3. Add override methods, choose_range, choose_trim, calibrate and build_options.
  4. The download baud up to 460800(should add the 460800 to the definition of BAUDRATES in serial lib which is always in the local disk) To use: Set stc8d for option -P. The frequency could be adjusted from 1 to 45 MHz. Pay attention to the unit of frequency is kHz.

To do: The program_mcu method did not consider that the EEPROM in some serial could be adjusted. The EEPROM content could not be downloaded correctly, when user set the option program_eeprom_split, and give a EEPROM larger than 512 Bytes.

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